Charles Posner

Senior Project Manager, Tesla, Workforce Development & Education Programs Dedicated to building a better future through thoughtful hiring, cutting-edge training, and a passion for solving problems.

About this speaker

Charles Posner is a project manager at Tesla, and part of a small team that oversees automotive training programs that impact all of North American vehicle service. He spent the beginning of his now three years at Tesla recruiting technicians and now enjoying being an integral part of their training. Prior to Tesla he spent 3 years placing candidates in a wide range of roles and companies across Chicago, and graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a focus in Entrepreneurship and Economics.

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Working with Elon Musk: A Chat With Tesla's Recruiting Team

May 05, 2020, 09:00 PM
Charles Posner Amandeep Kaur Vincent Phamvan Anastasia Ecin Sarah Budriunas Joe Garcia