Robin Ryan

Career Counselor and Bestselling Author, Robin Ryan Career Counselor and Bestselling Author of 8 career and job search books with appearance on Oprah and DrPhil.

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The Los Angeles Times calls Robin Ryan "America's Top Career Expert." She has appeared on over 2000 TV and Radio shows including Oprah, Dr. Phil, CNN, ABC News, Fox, NBC News, and NPR. Her advice has been seen in most major magazines and newspapers including: Business Week, Money, Fortune, Newsweek, Good Housekeeping, USA Today, NY Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Seattle Times. She currently writes a weekly career column for

Robin Ryan has a busy career counseling practice offering individual career coaching, resume writing, interview coaching, LinkedIn Profile writing, and job search services to clients nationwide.

She is the best-selling author of: "60 Seconds & You're Hired!", "Soaring On Your Strengths", "What to Do with the Rest of Your Life", "Winning Resumes", "Winning Cover Letters", “Retirement Reinvention”, and “Over 40 & You’re Hired”. Robin donates the profits from her book sales to Breast Cancer Research.

A popular speaker and corporate trainer, Robin has spoken to over a thousand audiences on careers, LinkedIn and job search topics. She holds a master's degree in counseling and education from Suffolk University and a bachelor's degree from Boston College. She is the former director of counseling services at the University of Washington, in Seattle.

"Robin Ryan is America's top Career Coach." -- Houston Chronicle

[email protected] 425.226.0414.

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Acing the Job Interview

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