Sarah Budriunas

Sr. Project Manager, Tesla Building and scaling a nationwide training program on behalf of a large organization. Public speaker and purveyor of the importance of skilled trades.

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Sarah has been with Tesla for almost 3.5 years, and is a part of Tesla’s Workforce Development & Education team. The team’s focus spans from grants/funding, to community outreach & events, and establishing apprenticeship and training programs for the wider company. Sarah also oversees the Tesla START program, which trains technicians for 12 weeks in an internship capacity to become fulltime service employees with Tesla nationwide upon successful completion.

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Working with Elon Musk: A Chat With Tesla's Recruiting Team

May 05, 2020, 09:00 PM
Charles Posner Sarah Budriunas Joe Garcia Vincent Phamvan Amandeep Kaur Anastasia Ecin