Scott Omelianuk Vincent Phamvan

Discovering Your Purpose: A Fireside Chat with Inc. Magazine’s Editor in Chief

A Talk by Vincent Phamvan and Scott Omelianuk

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About this Talk

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May 04, 2020, 06:20 PM

06:20 PM - 06:59 PM

About The Speakers

Vincent Phamvan

Vincent Phamvan

Founder, Vyten Career Coaching

Vincent Phamvan is the founder of Vyten, an online coaching program that helps ordinary people get incredible jobs with the pay and purpose they deserve.

Scott Omelianuk

Scott Omelianuk

Editor in Chief, Inc. Magazine

Trained as a journalist, motivated by business and excited by technology, Inc. editor-in-chief Scott Omelianuk believes in a disruptive, do-it-first approach to generate revenue by connecting consumers with content and services; it’s part of his strategy for developing new lines of business to serve the entrepreneurial community and overseeing the events and content that make up the Inc. ecosystem. After his 12-year tenure as an editor and creative brand strategist at This Old House, Omelianuk moved into the entrepreneurial world, consulting with startups, joining the board of the MIT Enterprise Forum, and serving as Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the Stevens Institute of Technology, where he taught a class on innovation and entrepreneurship.